[Best of 2023 Repost] Ep 63: Should I Wait or Should I Go – A Look at Arguments For and Against Delaying Social Security Claiming

Well – looks like Alex and Wade have had a little more fun than expected on New Year’s, so let’s cozy up next to the fire and throwback to one of our favorite topics – Social Security claiming strategy (specifically Ep. 63).

But we’re going to (belatedly) kick off 2024 with a bang – On Monday, January 8th at 1:00 PM ET, Wade and Alex will be hosting a YouTube live session to answer all of your questions! If you have any burning questions about the podcast or anything about retirement planning, please send them to us using the link provided below.

Repost from Episode 63

A topic of intense debate is about what’s the best age to claim Social Security. Should people do it as soon as possible after reaching age 62, or wait until they get closer to 70? Alex and Wade will look at arguments on both sides of the debate and provide our assessment of their legitimacy. Listen now to learn more! 


Click here to watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/uNp1n2ueJEw?feature=shared

Join us on Jan. 8th at 1:00 PM ET on YouTube Live for a live recording of Retire With Style! Watch and comment live on the Retire With Style YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/live/D1TSNgDCmDQ?si=rGe70YujVATVjyaI 

Submit your burning questions for Wade and Alex to answer live here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2G5DBGC 

This episode is sponsored by McLean Asset Management. Visit https://www.mcleanam.com/roth/ to download McLean’s free eBook, “Is a Roth Conversion Right For You?”

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