Episode 122: Thinking Like A (Financial) Economist

In this conversation, Bob French interviews his father, Ken French, a professor of finance, about key concepts in economics and investing. They discuss the concept of marginal cost and marginal

Episode 96: Using Investments to Manage Inflation

In today’s episode, Bob French joins Alex and Wade again to continue their conversation on managing inflation and it’s effects on your retirement income plan. This week they look at

Episode 95: Understanding Inflation

Wade and Alex are joined by Bob French, of Retirement Researcher, to talk about inflation. Inflation is one of the biggest risks that retirees face, so it’s important to understand

Episode 57: Market Timing Still Doesn’t Work

This week Wade, Alex, and Bob talk about the third way of active management – Market Timing. Grabbing elements of both Technical and Fundamental Analysis, Market Timing is often the