Episode 105: Managing Taxes in Retirement using the Effective Marginal Tax Rate

Tax planning is the topic du jour for this week, as Wade and Alex discuss a recent article from Advisor Perspectives that Wade wrote with Joe Elsasser from Covisum. Wade describes the effective marginal tax rate approach for managing Roth conversions and taxable distributions in retirement. This matters because of the nonlinearities facing retirees with their taxes, which include the Social Security tax torpedo, Medicare IRMAA surcharges, preferential income stacking, and the surprises created by RMDs. Tune in and uncover how to navigate the many pitfalls and traps facing retirees in the US federal tax code. Listen now to learn more!


Click here to watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/TMC6n8ke1ms?feature=shared

The article discussed is available at:

Registration is open for the Consumer Retirement Income Challenge hosted by the team at Retirement Researcher! Join us December 4th-7th for this FREE 4-Day event by visiting: https://risaprofile.com/vand/podcast

This episode is sponsored by Retirement Researcher https://retirementresearcher.com/. Download their free eBook, 8 Tips to Becoming A Retirement Income Investor at retirementresearcher.com/8tips

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