Episode 73: RISA® in Action: Clarify the retirement income options available to your clients so they understand themselves better.

Wade and Alex speak with Larry Greenwald of BlackDiamond Wealth about how he uses the RISA® to clarify his messaging to clients about their retirement income options. We dig deep into Larry’s wealth of experience where he describes how it was difficult to express to clients potential retirement income approaches and how the RISA® fast forwards that process in a clear and understandable manner. Listen Now to learn more!



Click here to watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YIHAQju5myc?si=ZVO7PRCCKI8oI65K

Join our Retirement Income Masterclass to learn about the RISA® and how to use it and market it within your practice. Sign up here: www.risaprofile.com/advisors **PLEASE NOTE: Since the live recording of this episode, this event has been rescheduled to August 28th and 29th.**

BlackDiamond Wealth: https://blackdiamondwealth.com/


This episode is sponsored by McLean Asset Management. Visit https://www.mcleanam.com/roth/ to download McLean’s free eBook, “Is a Roth Conversion Right For You?”

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