Episode 77: RISA® in Action: How the RISA is used to transition clients into a retirement income plan.

We speak with Jessica Wunder, CFP®, RICP®, CRPC® and Alana Light, CFP®, RICP® from McLean Asset Management about how the RISA® is used to transition clients into a retirement income plan. We discuss the optimal time to introduce the RISA, what happens if the RISA® points to something different than what a client is currently doing, and how the RISA® can be used by couples who are also transitioning the financial responsibilities between them as they age. Listen Now to learn more! 


Click here to watch this video in YouTube: https://youtu.be/SSpLzws0E94?si=joJXOcExsFij6q6I

McLean Asset Management: www.mcleanam.com/contact-us/

Join our Retirement Income Masterclass to learn about the RISA® and how to use it and market it within your practice. Sign up here: www.risaprofile.com/advisors

This episode is sponsored by McLean Asset Management. Visit https://www.mcleanam.com/roth/ to download McLean’s free eBook, “Is a Roth Conversion Right For You?”

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