Episode 98: RISA® Styles and Inflation Management

This week we finish our inflation quadrilogy with Bob French of Retirement Researcher. In previous episodes, we have talked about the different tools at our disposal to deal with inflation, but now we need to look at how to use those tools. Using the different RISA® styles as our guide, we discuss how you can deal with inflation risk in your own retirement income plan. Listen now to learn more!



If you haven’t already, visit www.risaprofile.com/style to take the RISA® questionnaire for yourself and discover your Retirement Income Style. 

Click here to watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ikMR5QdhKWA?si=Mr0IqP3B2Xqe_8Fz

Purchase access to the Academy Workshop entitled, “Managing Inflation In Your Retirement Income Plan” hosted by Bob French at Retirement Researcher by clicking here: https://retirementresearcher.com/managing-inflation-rws 


This episode is sponsored by McLean Asset Management. Visit https://www.mcleanam.com/roth/ to download McLean’s free eBook, “Is a Roth Conversion Right For You?”

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