Episode 99: Time Segmentation as a Retirement Income Strategy

In today’s episode, Wade and Alex begin their arc on Time Segmentation (i.e., Bucketing) as part of a viable retirement income strategy within the RISA® framework. To start off, we discuss the pros and cons of time segmentation and how it addresses the optionality and safety-first component within one’s RISA® style. In addition, we address some popular misconceptions about this strategy that somewhat overstate its effectiveness relative to other strategies. Listen now to learn more!



Join the LIVE Q&A Session for Episode 100 on Wed. October 11th at 1:00 PM ET on the Retire With Style YouTube Page. Subscribe and turn on your notifications to see when we are live!! https://www.youtube.com/@retirewithstylepodcast 

If you are unable to join us for the live filming, you can still send us your questions here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PHZL5WK 

Click here to watch this video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/FdtHaVxI0Fg?feature=shared

In honor of our 100th Episode, Retirement Researcher is sponsoring a free giveaway! Enter now to win one of three prizes:

The giveaway will close on Tues, October 17th. To enter the 100th Episode Giveaway, click here:  retirementresearcher.com/100 


This episode is sponsored by Retirement Researcher https://retirementresearcher.com/. Download their free eBook, 8 Tips to Becoming A Retirement Income Investor at retirementresearcher.com/8tips

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