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Episode 167: Navigating Retirement Goals: The Four L’s
In this episode of ‘Retire with Style’, hosts Alex Murguia and Wade Pfau delve into the intricacies of financial planning for retirement. They introduce the concept of a financial planning
Recent Episodes

Episode 72: Variable Annuities. When they are useful as a retirement income planning option.
As in the previous episodes on annuities, Wade and Alex break down the components of variable annuities. They detail the most salient features common across their contract structures and help

Episode 71: RISA® in Action: How to use the RISA® for client discovery meetings that lead to effective retirement plan options.
First and foremost, RISA® aside- It is a wonderful episode demonstrating the power of the Hunter family!
Alex and Wade speak to the father and son combo of Brad

Episode 70: Income Annuities: Your New Standard Pension Plans
In this week’s episode, Wade and Alex break down the basic Single Premium Immediate Annuities (SPIA) and Deferred Immediate Annuities (DIA) and describe how these traditional annuities can function as

Episode 69: RISA® in Action: How do our advisors use the RISA® to navigate personalized retirement income plans.
We kick off our “RISA® in Action” arc with our very own advisors, Jason Rizkallah, CFP®, RICP® and Stephan Pomanti, CFP®, RICP®. Coming fresh off our Retirement Income Challenge for

Episode 68: Annuities as a viable source of protected income
In this episode, Wade and Alex break out the “A” word and discuss the many definitional concepts of annuities. We tackle some common misconceptions surrounding how they work (including some

Episode 67:The Future of Protected Income Summit. A review with Wade, Jason, and Alex.
If you want to get a sense of what’s developing in the world of retirement income, then you’ll want to check out our bonus episode. The Alliance for Lifetime Income,

Episode 66: Social Security and how the government is set up to help you. The ultimate insider’s perspective.
Wade and Alex invite Jason Fichtner, former Social Security Administration Chief Economist, to look behind the curtains to see the steps the government is making to help you lead a

Episode 65: The Ins, Outs, and everything in between of Social Security Claiming Strategies with Mary Beth Franklin
In this episode, we welcome Mary Beth Franklin and discuss the various intricacies of social security claiming strategies. While there are basic decision trees that most of us know about,

Episode 64: Social Security’s Future: Hint: It’s Not Going Away
A popular thought in the Zeitgeist is that it is important to claim Social Security as soon as possible because the whole system is on track to insolvency. Alex and

Episode 63 Should I Wait or Should I Go? A Look at Arguments For and Against Delaying Social Security Claiming
A topic of intense debate is about what’s the best age to claim Social Security. Should people do it as soon as possible after reaching age 62, or wait until