White Papers
How the Retirement Income Style Awareness Informs Retirement Income Recommendations
Regulatory guidance that is frequently changing presents a challenge for financial professionals (FPs) and Financial Institutions in making appropriate recommendations and creates similar challenges for Financial Institutions responsible for overseeing those recommendations.
How to Select a Retirement Income Strategy that is Right For You
But our Retirement Income Style Awareness (RISA®) tool identifies retirement income solutions based entirely on your unique profile.
How to Determine Your Retirement Income Implementation Option
Once you know your strategy, you need to know how best to implement it.
Case Studies
Rainy Day
A retirement income strategy based on matching short term expenses while capturing potential market growth over the longer term.
A Bird in the Hand
A protected retirement income strategy that is untethered to stock market volatility.
What If?
A retirement income strategy based on market participation and income guardrails.
Research Papers
Retirement Income Beliefs and Financial Advice Seeking Behaviors
This investigation identifies and validates a series of salient behavioral finance and psychological constructs that influence retirement income planning.
A Model Approach to Selecting a Personalized Retirement Income Strategy
This study identifies and validates a set of scorable retirement income factors to define preferences for an overall retirement income style.